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I believe it is vital that we protect our environment for the people who live in Westland today and those in future generations who will call it home. Protecting our environment means providing clean drinking water for everyone, expanding green spaces, utilizing more renewable energy, and combating the crisis of human-caused climate change.


  • Brought back curbside recycling in 2020 with the support of Westland voters.

​​       Westland residents spoke loud and clear and said they wanted curbside recycling to come back to our city and I am

       elated to say that we delivered on that promise. I am proud to have worked with residents in the community, the

       Mayor's Administration, and my colleagues on Council to pass a Sanitation millage and bring curbside recycling back to

       Westland. Having a recycling program helps to protect our environment by limiting what we send to the landfill,

       encouraging sustainability and allowing us to reuse goods and materials for new products, instead of having to harvest

       more from natural resources from our planet.


  • Reinvested and made significant upgrades to the Westland Recycling Center in 2022.

​       â€‹The City of Westland renovated and updated its recycling center in 2022. We are now able to take more, different kinds

       of materials at the recycling center like glass, used batteries, paints, oils, metals, and more. This significant upgrade to

       our recycling center helps us make good on our Mission Green effort.​


  • Working to clean up the contaminated pond at Central City Park.

       As apart of the $26 million in American Rescue Plan taxpayer funding that the City of Westland received we are investing

       a portion of that funding into the cleanup of the pond at Central City Park. If you have been over to Central City Park you

       will notice the pond area that has a large, black, chain link fence around it. The fence is an eyesore at an otherwise nice

       park. It was originally put up to keep people out of the pond area due to it having been contaminated. We are now

       investing in a project that will help to cleanup the pond area a little bit, remediate at least some of the contamination,

       and allow us to safely remove the large fence around the pond. While the pond area will not be open for public use of

       any kind, we want it to be safe enough that we can remove the fence around it.​


  • Added electric car charging stations at City Hall, Friendship Center, and Library.

       The City of Westland is adding multiple electric car charging stations at Westland City Hall, the Senior Friendship Center,

       and the Westland Public Library. As more and more people decide to drive electric cars, we need to rapidly expand our

       electric car charging infrastructure here in our community to meet that demand.


  • Purchased new Ford Explorer hybrid Police SUVs for our Police Officer's patrol vehicles.

       As apart of the $26 million in American Rescue Plan taxpayer funding that the City of Westland received we have 

       purchased a new wood chipper to use to help us trim more trees. By trimming more tree we hope this has at least some

       small effect on the power outages we have here in Westland by clearing tree branches away from power lines.


  • Purchased a new Ford F150 Lightening electric pickup truck for community policing efforts.

       As apart of the $26 million in American Rescue Plan taxpayer funding that the City of Westland received we have

       purchased a new wood chipper to use to help us trim more trees. By trimming more tree we hope this has at least some

       small effect on the power outages we have here in Westland by clearing tree branches away from power lines.


  • Expanded green spaces by adding a brand new nature and event park along Central City Parkway.

       As apart of the $26 million in American Rescue Plan taxpayer funding that the City of Westland received we have

       purchased a new wood chipper to use to help us trim more trees. By trimming more tree we hope this has at least some

       small effect on the power outages we have here in Westland by clearing tree branches away from power lines.


  • Working on addressing the basement flooding issue in certain neighborhoods with equipment and manpower.

       We know that every time it rains here in Westland, there are certain neighborhoods and basements in resident's homes

       that always flood. That is why we have invested $400,000 of the taxpayer American Rescue Plan funding towards

       addressing the basement flooding issues that residents are having. We have purchased new equipment and are hiring

       and training 4 new workers to help us roll out this new program. We hope to being implementing it in 2023.


  • Purchased a wood chipper to help trim trees and mitigate power outages.

       As apart of the $26 million in American Rescue Plan taxpayer funding that the City of Westland received we have

       purchased a new wood chipper to use to help us trim more trees. By trimming more tree we hope this has at least some

       small effect on the power outages we have here in Westland by clearing tree branches away from power lines.​


  • Expand and protect our existing greenspaces here in Westland:

​       The Neighborhood Makeover program in Westland was launched to repair our subdivision streets. Through continued

       fiscal responsibility and the dedicated work of our DPW team we can continue the progress with road and street repairs

       in neighborhoods all across Westland. Priorities for neighborhood road repair must be decided on the areas of greatest

       areas of need first and foremost.


  • Invest in renewable, sustainable green energy projects to combat climate change:

​       I would like to see us utilize a portion of our American Rescue Plan funding to connect sidewalk gaps along our major

       roadways and in our neighborhoods. Connecting sidewalk gaps helps increase accessibility and makes it easier and

       safer for people to get around our city.


  • Develop a comprehensive plan to combat climate change and have a net-zero carbon goal by 2040:

​       I believe that the City of Westland needs to create a comprehensive, detailed action plan to combat climate, reduce our

       carbon footprint, and put us on a path to be net-zero carbon by 2040 at the latest. We need to work with environmental

       experts and organizers, people in academia, and Westland residents to develop this comprehensive climate and

       environmental plan of action to make Westland a leader in both protecting our local environment and combating

       climate change.


  • Support programs and initiatives that reduce our single-use plastic consumption:

​       I would like to see us utilize a portion of our American Rescue Plan funding to connect sidewalk gaps along our major

       roadways and in our neighborhoods. Connecting sidewalk gaps helps increase accessibility and makes it easier and

       safer for people to get around our city.


  • Engage in a city-wide tree planting program along our major roadways:

​       Like many in Westland, my basement has flooded before after a heavy rain.  In 2021 the homes of many of my

       neighbors and my own flooded with 8+ inches of water in our basements. I know there are many neighborhoods and

       residents who experience flooded basements after very heavy rains. That's why as a city we need to continue to invest

       in resources and projects that can help mitigate neighborhood and basement flooding.


  • Add more electric car charing stations around Westland: Like many in Westland, my basement has flooded before after a heavy rain.  In 2021 the homes of many of my neighbors and my own flooded with 8+ inches of water in our basements. I know there are many neighborhoods and residents who experience flooded basements after very heavy rains. That's why as a city we need to continue to invest in resources and projects that can help mitigate neighborhood and basement flooding.


  • Address neighborhood flooding issues by investing in green infrastructure:

​       Like many in Westland, my basement has flooded before after a heavy rain.  In 2021 the homes of many of my

       neighbors and my own flooded with 8+ inches of water in our basements. I know there are many neighborhoods and

       residents who experience flooded basements after very heavy rains. That's why as a city we need to continue to invest

       in resources and projects that can help mitigate neighborhood and basement flooding.


       One way in which I believe we can reduce flooding is through investments in green infrastructure. Green infrastructure           investments can include building out any of the following:


  • Retention ponds and trenches: Retention ponds and trenches can be used to help push water off into and hold the water. In neighborhoods that are located near a park I would like to see us look into building retention ponds and drainage systems where we can push off the water into.

  • Bioswales: Installing bioswales in portions of neighborhoods that flood the most. Bioswales are a type of green infrastructure and they can be used to manage stormwater in neighborhoods. Bioswales are vegetated channels that are designed to allow stormwater to soak into the soil. They are typically planted with native plants that have deep root systems and that are excellent at guiding water off the street and down into the ground. Bioswale designs can vary in shape and size, but they all serve the same purpose: to collect, slow, infiltrate, and filter stormwater.

  • Start utilizing permeable concrete on road construction projects: Adding green infrastructure means building our roads, curbs, and sidewalks out of porous, permeable pavement so water can flow through the concrete. It means utilizing nature through new, natural landscaping designs and putting more gardens and micro gardens (biowales) in order to help trap and stop storm water runoff. Plants and vegetation with larger root systems can help trap and stop more water, so we should be planting more gardens and micro gardens as a means to help.

       Using porous, permeable pavement and concreate and building new, natural landscaping across the city will allow                   water run off into the ground instead of building up on our streets and flooding our basements and roadways. It will               reduce the backup and stress on our sewer systems.


Information obtained below is from the following sources:


  • Holding DTE accountable when it comes to power outages:

​       As one of your elected officials on your Westland City Council I have worked to hold DTE to account when it comes to

       the constant power outages faced by residents here in Westland. I have done so by asking for public meetings with DTE

       Representatives, speaking out publicly at City Council meetings, and advocated for communities to join together to

       stand up to the DTE monopoly. Here in the State of Michigan we rank 46th in the country in-terms of the reliability of

       our power grid. We are also 34th in the country in-terms of the costs and money we pay to have power. That means our

       power grid is both expensive and unreliable. We have to demand better from DTE.


       We must demand that DTE do more to make our electric grid more reliable and secure so that the power doesn't go out         every time it storms or we have a little bit of wind. We must ensure that DTE is making more upgrades to our power               grid and infrastructure by trimming more trees each year, changing out transformers before they blow, and burying               power lines when possible.


       It’s also worth looking into DTE’s financial statements as a corporate entity. DTE Energy’s gross profit for the twelve                  months ending June 30, 2022 was $5.923B, a 11.69% increase year-over-year. DTE Energy annual gross profit for 2021            was $5.756B, a 3.08% increase from 2020. DTE Energy annual gross profit for 2020 was $5.584B, a 4.67% increase from          2019.


       There is something else that years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 have in common at DTE besides their net profit increases         year over year. Each of those years DTE lobbied the Michigan Public Service Commission, the unit of government that             regulates our public utilities, for electrical rate increases. That means DTE was trying to get more money out of                         consumers like us. According to a publication in the Detroit Free Press by Free Press Journalist Nusharat Rhaman, with

       numbers obtained from DTE and the State of Michigan’s own reports, DTE requested an 8.8% rate increase in 2022. That

       equates to approximately $388 million in additional revenue . Rhaman reports that this would amount to about $10 

       more a month for residential customers. Since 2010, Rhaman’s reporting showed that the Michigan Public Service

       Commission had approved six other rate increases. The most recent was in 2020, when the commission approved a

       DTE rate increase of 4.7%, or $3.93 a month. DTE and its lobbyists get the State of Michigan to give them frequent rate

       increases on the backs of consumers like all of us.


       According to, Jerry Norcia, the Chief Executive of DTE, made approximately $11 million in total compensation

       in 2020 and $10,054,678 in 2021. Mr. Norcia received an 11% compensation

       increase in 2020 from 2019, during the pandemic. As a result of his compensation increase, when you factor in total 

       compensation, he now makes 67 times the pay of his average worker at DTE. Vice Chairman and Chief Administrative

       Officer David Meador made $3,729,535 in total compensation. President and COO Trevor Lauer made $2,548,069.

       Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer $2,546,164. President and Chief Operating Office Mark Steiers made

       $2,285,565 in total compensation.


       Meanwhile, DTE has only recently ramped up investments its tree trimming program after much public outcry and

       scrutiny. Above ground power lines and trees taking out wires and entire poles are a significant contributor to the

       constant power outrageous according to several studies. Additionally, lack of investments in the overall power grid and 

       infrastructure contribute to these constant outages and delays in service. Consumers across Westland and Metro

       Detroit have experienced constant outages throughout 2021 and have lost time and money as a result.

       DTE’s customers, residents and small businesses alike, sit for days without power watching their food go to waste, vital

       life saving medicines go bad, and experiencing the inconvenience of living without power. We’re told by DTE that we

       need to be patient and that they are out there doing the best they possibly can. And just what is DTE doing response to

       all of this inconvenience and this patience we’re all supposed to have, they are offering us another lousy $25 bill credit . .      if you qualify for it.


      Upon discussing DTE’s “generous” offer of a $25 credit, I think there are some pertinent follow up questions that need to

      be asked. Did you lose only $25 worth of food in your fridge when the power went out? If you lost life-saving

      prescriptions that required refrigeration, did those only cost you $25? If you were forced to stay at a hotel, one-two-

       three-four nights, was your bill only $25? If you experienced damage to your home as a result of the power being out, 

       was that damage only $25?


       If your power is out, don't blame the Utility Workers and hard working union members either. The hard working and

       dedicated Utility Workers from the Michigan State Utility Workers Council are doing all they can with the resources they

       are given from DTE to keep our power on and restore it when it goes out. This isn't there fault, this is the fault of the 

       corporate entities controlling our power grid here in Michigan.


       If you're angry at both DTE and Consumers Energy you should be. If you're looking for a quick solution to the constant

       power outrageous and annual price rate increases on our backs from DTE there isn't one. Over the long term, what

       needs to happen is for the people’s representatives, your government, at the state and local levels, being tougher on

       DTE. Taking a stand to demand more tree trimming, burying of power lines, and upgrades to our power grid. public

       control, no not privatization, over the utility companies.


652 Forest St, Westland, MI, 48186

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